World Art Day


At Brío Soul Apparel, we are inspired by art, creativity and expressionism. And if you browse our collections, you will noticed that our designs are full of vibrant, bright and energetic colours. It’s how our Founder And CEO wants to express art through the lifestyle clothing we sustainably produce for all our conscious consumers. 

Whether someone likes putting pen to paper, sculpting amazing pieces , or playing an instrument, these are all examples of art and creativity. It’s a way for a person to express themselves or do something with other people. Many enjoy art as a hobby, and others make their living from being an artist.

Brío Soul Apparel Photoshoot in Jungle Print Line

Today, we celebrate World Art Day, an international event that promotes awareness of creativity worldwide. Brío Soul Apparel started as a t-shirt company expressing the art of independent artists, and we now  provide unique and different pieces with consumers who appreciate them and foster a community that enjoys creativity and reaches for it. We know that not everyone considers themselves to be a creative person, but we want to push you to rethink this and maybe take on a project you have been wanting to try out for a while. It’s not about perfection, it’s about doing something that makes you feel good.

We would also like to highlight the fact that we are celebrating this day on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territories of Indigenous peoples in British Columbia. Indigenous artworks engage with forms and figures that express the relationship they have to the land. Their pieces include basket weaving, wood carving, mask making, among many other things. 

Various Pieces Of Art Used By Brío Soul Apparel In Their Clothing

If you live in British Columbia, you might have seen wooden artworks in the Vancouver airport or totem poles in the University of British Columbia, and even in the world-famous Stanley Park. If you’re interested in learning more about Indigenous art, there are many places to learn about it. And, if you are not from this region, you can learn about your own land owners using this website. 

We hope you enjoy World Art Day! And if you do end up doing something, don’t be afraid to tag us on social media so we can share your awesome skills and creativity with the rest of the world!

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